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Bizfield Forum

A unique event for entrepreneurs and investors

cross-border Canada and China

Our presentation is delivered in English and Mandarin bilingual

21 December, 17:00 pm – 19:00 pm

You can join the conference via the zoom link, we will share the event link with registered attendees

Register via email:


Bizfield is a leading cross-border entrepreneurial, funding and investment platform connecting Canada and China.

We would like to welcome you to our latest Angel Investment Forum event, and we have listed some of our latest investment opportunities below for you to look forward to.

At this event, you will not only meet many creative, imaginative, and promising investment opportunities, but you will also be able to interact with investors and entrepreneurs online and exchange investment experiences and ideas.


Bizfield Forum

21 December, 17:00 pm – 19:00 pm

You can join the conference via the zoom link, we will share the event link with registered attendees

Register via email:



Generally, each pitch will have 3 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions

If you are particularly interested in a project and would like to find out more, you can:

1. Email us at after the conference to request more detailed information

2. Apply for a full presentation of the project or set up a conference call with the project's founders to communicate and ask questions

If you would like to participate in the event as a party offering a pitch, you can:

send us your business plan and relevant information by email, and we will inform you of the final outcome of your application after going through our pre-screening session.

Register via email:

Some Presentation Companies


A smart agriculture company focused on providing and processing big data in agriculture through satellite remote sensing technology and digital modelling using IOT technology. A technology driven company with cutting edge algorithms and top industry talent, favored and recognized by US listed agricultural companies.


A digital finance company that uses blockchain technology to issue a stable currency (anchored in the Canadian dollar) that will create a complete financial infrastructure and payment application scenario in the future. The Company has developed AML/ ATF/ KYC policies in order to compliance with laws and regulations by EFTRs, LCTRs, STRs and FINTRAC. Keep on collaborating with government authorities and financial institutions to ensure only accept compliant users with our service.



A robotics company focused on providing hotel delivery robots and related retail solutions. The parent company is based in China and S3 ROBOTICS is a subsidiary operating specifically for the North American (mainly Canadian) market, responsible for sales development in Canada. The parent company already has a robotics R&D center, production lines and a full operations management team in China and has secured a $3 million seed round of funding.


A company that specializes in making GPS collars for pets and other smart wearable devices for pets, the company already has a proven product and is available on Amazon. The company is trying to develop an interactive effect with its products and mobile apps, which will in turn develop into a pet community. The company is planning to further expand its marketing efforts in order to gain more market share and sales.


A leading entrepreneurial, financing, and investment cross-border platform linking Canada and China.


We bring angel investors into our China-Canada Angel Investment International Network, expanding the source of projects, gaining insight into investment hotspots, and exchanging ideas. Bizfield was incorporated in December 2016, headquartered in Metro Vancouver.

About Bizfield Forum

Bizfield Forum brings angel investors into our China-Canada Angel Investment International Network, expanding the source of projects, gaining insight into investment hotspots, and exchanging ideas.

Bizfield Forum helps entrepreneurs to access funding sources via our professional angel network of local Chinese Canadian angel investors in Canada.

Please join us in welcoming our latest forum for angel investment event and take a moment to look at some of the latest opportunities posted below.

You will not only be able to meet many creative, imaginative, and promising investment opportunities, but you will also be able to interact and exchange investment experiences and concepts with investors and entrepreneurs from China online.

Our mailing address is:

6060 Silver Drive, Burnaby, BC V5H 0H5

More information:


Welcome to our website:

Bizfield Accelerator Inc.

Bizfield Angel Network Ltd.

UpCanada Ventures (VCC) Inc.


Copyright © 2021 Bizfield Angel Network, all rights reserved

BIZFIELD - A Cross-border Business Accelerator in Canada

Bizfield Accelerator is committed to helping international entrepreneurs and investors leverage North American and global markets. 


Suite #205

15225 - 104th Avenue,

Surrey, BC  V3R 6Y8

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